
It's official!

My fundraising accomplishments are now official. I received the email below from Susan G. Komen and the National Philanthropic Trust congratulating me on my fundraising milestones. Thanks so much to everyone for helping me get to this point. Now, onto the next goal: $5000!

Congratulations! You’ve hit your next big fundraising milestone for the Breast Cancer 3-Day. You’ve earned your $3,000 legacy pin, which will be awarded to you at the 3-Day. Unless, of course, you raise even more money and earn a $5,000, $10,000 or $15,000 legacy pin!

Every dollar you raise is crucial in the movement to end breast cancer forever. So thank you for your commitment to this mission.

Susan G. Komen for the Cure has played a critical role in every major advance in the fight against breast cancer over the past 25 years - transforming how the world talks about and treats this disease and helping to turn millions of breast cancer patients into breast cancer survivors. It’s your fundraising that is helping to make some of these advancements possible:

· Understanding how and why cancer cells reproduce and identifying new treatment targets.

· Understanding how blocking the blood supply to tumors stops them from growing.

· Discovering why many breast tumors stop responding to hormone treatment.

· Improving imaging tools like MRI that allow doctors to see inside the breast without X-ray or surgery.

For more information about how Komen for the Cure uses the funds you are raising, visit http://www.komen.org/.

We are looking forward to seeing you soon. Keep on going strong!

Susan G. Komen for the Cure

National Philanthropic Trust Breast Cancer Fund

Every woman deserves access to quality breast cancer treatment that can save her life. Urge your elected officials to close the gap and become actively engaged in the breast cancer movement. Visit http://www.actnowendbreastcancer.org/.

For more information about the Breast Cancer 3-Day, Susan G. Komen for the Cure or the National Philanthropic Trust Breast Cancer Fund, visit http://www.the3day.org/ or call 800.996.3DAY.

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