
A Fundraising Milestone!

I have something exciting to announce: I have reached my required fundraising minimum of $2200! I actually reached this milestone some time ago, but I wanted to wait until it was official online before posting about it. As of right now, I have cleared $3162 online, with $300 worth of pending checks. Crossing over the $3000 threshold was really important for me. At the event, you can earn different Legacy Pins for reaching various fundraising milestones. The first milestone (after the required minimum) is $3000 and I was hellbent on reaching that amount. Unfortunately, I don't think all of the checks cashed in time for me to get my pin at the walk (since they calculate the totals a week prior to the event), but that's okay. I know in my heart that I made it, and that's what is really important.

Now - onward to the next milestone: $5000! When I committed to this event in May, I set my fundraising goal really high, just like last year. And just like last year, I expect to reach it. I have up to four weeks post-event to raise money and I plan to pursue that $5000 mark relentlessly up until then. To that end, I sent out at least 100 reminder letters yesterday, an effort that netted me an additional $450 today alone!

So, thank you so much to everyone that has donated so far. You've helped me reach some important milestones and that means a lot to me. If you would like to continue to help me reach my ultimate goal of $5000, let me know. I have lots of ideas!

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